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Sheet1ySheet2lSheet3TT@Excellent observation skillsand comprehension werereflected in report.Candidate seemed to benefitin terms of what was seen and understood.Observation skills wereseriously lacking based onreports.High level of participation invaluable activities was described.Candidate participated insome useful activities.Participation was not at thelevel prescribed by assign-ment.Good account of manylearning outcomes was provided.Some specifics of what waslearned were detailed.Few learning outcomes werecited.Valuable knowledge andbehavioral management ofclasses was reported.Some knowledge abouthandling individual and groups was gained.Little knowledge aboutclassroom management revealed.Valuable insights aboutmotivating students to learnwere reported.Some understanding of howP-12 students are motivatedwas evidenced.Little or no understanding ofmotivation to learn was indicated.Overall, the field experiencewas found to be very valuable,based on excellent documen-tation.Student reports someimportant gains from field experience.Did not reveal the level oflearning outcomes expectedfrom experience.Communication skills wereexcellent in communicatingbenefits gained from observa-tion and participation.Student's communicationskills were adequate fordetailing what was gainedfrom field experience.Student did not communicateadequately the gains fromfield experience.%B rC X ' Y F  dMbP?_*+%,&#&C&14Evaluation of Field Experience&?'?(?M6HP DeskJet 880CXC od,,LetterDINU"4$%#| $$$$"d,,??U} } $ h,,,;,,,; , , , ; ,,,;,,,;,,,,;,,,,;@@@%Excellent observation skills$Candidate seemed to benefit Observation skills wereand comprehension were&in terms of what was seen and#seriously lacking based onreflected in report. understood.reports. % % %'High level of participation in"Candidate participated in%Participation was not at the valuable activities was some useful activities.$level prescribed by assign- described.ment. % % % Good account of many# Some specifics of what was# Few learning outcomes were learning outcomes was learned were detailed. cited.  provided.  % % % Valuable knowledge and Some knowledge about Little knowledge about!behavioral management of'handling individual and groupsclassroom managementclasses was reported. was gained. revealed. % % % Valuable insights about"Some understanding of how&Little or no understanding of%motivating students to learn$P-12 students are motivated motivation to learn waswere reported.was evidenced. indicated. % % %&Overall, the field experienceStudent reports some$Did not reveal the level of'was found to be very valuable,#important gains from field#learning outcomes expected$based on excellent documen- experience.from experience.tation.  % % %"Communication skills were Student's communication$Student did not communicate#excellent in communicating!skills were adequate for"adequately the gains from&benefits gained from observa-"detailing what was gainedfield experience. tion and participation.from field experience. % % %Bn XutN-zp3-oX$-gqP-tuM-sy]"-rrnQ>@7 F  dMbP?_*+%"??ceU>@7 F  dMbP?_*+%"??ceU>@7 ՜.+,0 PXd lt| 3A Sheet1Sheet2Sheet3  WorksheetsOh+'0t  0 < HT\dl1TableOSummaryInformation( DocumentSummaryInformation8CompObj;j ss Vicky FarrowoickickNormala Vicky Farrowo3ckMicrosoft Word 10.0@@ʅG;@ʅG;՜.+,0 hp|   A  TitleH@H Normal CJOJQJ_HaJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontRi@R  Table Normal4 l4a (k@(No List4@4 }KHeader  !4 @4 }KFooter  ! %DE0@0@0@0p@0@0pMy0wyw:nz3% Vicky Farrow}KU% 'l25*I}Ml8Uwj_`l7m2pa$ OjUyBHH@y  0@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z ArialA& Trebuchet MS"h+բ+բYPx243H)?a Vicky Farrow Vicky Farrow  FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q